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Making nutrition easy for mums & babies

Nutrition solutions for every stage of motherhood!

Nutrition in motherhood can feel like a real minefield

But with the right knowledge and support, it doesn't have to feel like that.

I'm Fiona.

The gal behind Mother Nurtured!

I'm a mother of two and a Certified Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Baby Nutrition Consultant.

  • I believe in indulging in a real sugar cake on your birthday

  • I believe that food isn't solely about nutrition; it's a source of comfort and joy

  • And I also believe you don't need endless time or money to feed yourself and your family well...

... all you need is the right *knowledge* and someone who knows their sh*t! 

How to work with me


01    Power Hour Consult

One hour of nutrition guidance with me

02    Consult + Follow Up

Get the hour of power consult PLUS an additional follow-up session

03    Consult + 2x Follow Ups

An intensive one-hour consult PLUS two targeted follow-up sessions

A mother needs nurturing in every phase of motherhood

What stage of motherhood are you at?


Address common discomforts and concerns, guiding you towards nourishing choices that support you and your baby.


Valuable advice on nourishing foods, self-care practices, and lifestyle changes to aid your postpartum healing.

Babies & Children

Ease into solid foods with confidence, plus expert support for allergenic foods, eczema, food sensitivities and picky eaters.

When a baby  is born, so too is a mother

... and they both need to be nurtured

My Favourite Things

As both a nutrition consultant and mother, I've discovered a collection of absolute must-haves for mums and babies.

These items range from products that boost the nutritional value of meals, to essential starting solids equipment, and practical lunchboxes alongside a line-up of gut healthy favourites.

Explore my top picks ...

Grocery Guide Free Download


*... it's FREE* 

The ultimate grocery guide!

Grocery shopping got you down? Grab this guide—it's a game-changer!

It’s not just a grocery list– it's your key to nutrient-rich cooking!

I want you to feel bloody good about your nutrition!

Because, really... you should!

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